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AWS Multi-factor Authentication on the Command Line using AWS-Vault

Slow Your Scroll - The Introduction

Having some form of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) enabled, be it sms, an authenticator app, or yubikey, is an important aspect of the account security policy that you enforce on your AWS Account. User Credentials (username and password) and MFA give users a higher degree of certainty that the AWS Console user accessing resources within the account is in fact who they say they are. As developers and system administrators it\'s important that we extend this degree of certainty to the command line (cli) where we interact with aws resources programmatically using access keys. This can be done using aws-vault a cli tool to securely store and access AWS credentials in a development environment.

To Install


brew install --cask aws-vault


choco install aws-vault


please refer to install section of aws-vault docs for your linux distribution

Getting Started - A Quick Look at the AWS Config File

Open ~/.aws/config.

; Caktus Managed AWS
[profile caktus]
credential_process=aws-vault exec --no-session --json caktus

[profile caktus-mfa]

; Assume Role setup
[profile <role-profile>]

[profile <role-profile>]

At the end of this setup you should have both a caktus profile and mfa profile for main account access listed in your aws config file. Assuming roles in other accounts should follow the above syntax that sets caktus as the source_profile for the <role_profile>. All MFA protected profiles need to have your mfa_serial specified for it. Both Main Account setup and Assume Role setup can be repeated as many times as needed.

You will need to comment out (;) or delete an existing caktus profile to allow aws-vault to manage this profile in the config file. No changes are needed to be done to the credentials file.

Caktus Account setup

  1. Setup caktus by running aws-vault add caktus.
$ aws-vault add caktus
Enter Access Key ID: <aws-access-key-id> 
Enter Secret Access Key: <aws-secret-access-key> 
Added credentials to profile "caktus" in vault

After providing your aws keys you will be prompted by KeyChain on MacOS to set a password. If you are on another operating system or would like to change the behavior of the vaulting backend please refer to this section of the docs.

In the ~/.aws/config file, you should see the newly created caktus profile.

[profile caktus]
  1. Set the credentials_process variable to instruct aws-vault to expose the caktus profile's access keys to the terminal.

    [profile caktus]
    credential_process=aws-vault exec --no-session --json caktus

  2. Setup caktus-mfa in ~/.aws/config file

[profile caktus]
credential_process=aws-vault exec --no-session --json caktus

[profile caktus-mfa]

Setting mfa_serial for the caktus-mfa profile: - Copy your IAM ARN for your user: arn:aws:iam::<caktus-account-id>:user/<username> - Replace user with mfa: arn:aws:iam::<caktus-account-id>:mfa/<username>

The caktus-mfa profile's source profile should be set to caktus.

caktus-mfa can just be added to the aws config file. aws-vault add caktus-mfa is not used. (This is also true for <role-profile>s).

  1. Test the configuration
$ aws-vault exec caktus-mfa 
Enter MFA code for arn:aws:iam::<caktus-account-id>:mfa/<username>: <Enter Code from MFA Device>
# Now authenticated and aws-vault session has been created 
$ env | grep AWS
  1. Assuming Roles from the Caktus Account
[profile <role-profile>]

Asumming roles will follow the above pattern. Check with the lead developer for the particular project you are joining to get the <role-profile-account-id> and <assumed-role> that you will be assuming. For example, here is how you would update ~/.aws/config to assume the role assoicated with the saguaro-cluster.

[profile saguaro-cluster]
  1. Assume the Role
# Assumption: You have already authenticated by running "aws-vault exec caktus-mfa".
# Let's check
$ env | grep AWS
# Let's unset the AWS_VAULT environment variable
$ unset AWS_VAULT
# Let's clearn the aws-vault's session
$ aws-vault clear
Cleared 1 sessions.
# let's switch to the saguaro-cluster role
$ aws-vault exec saguaro-cluster
Enter MFA code for arn:aws:iam::<saguaro-cluster-account-id>:mfa/<username>
# Ensure that you have access to the AWS Account
$ aws s3 ls
<list of s3 buckets within the saguaro-cluster account>
  • If you are switching profiles, make sure to run unset AWS_VAULT, and aws-vault clear before running aws-vault exec <role_profile>.
  • If AWS_VAULT is not set then you can assume whichever mfa-enabled profile you would like.

  • Caktus CI/CD Pipeline

AWS Vault does not replace the need to set AWS_PROFILE when running manual deployments, ansible scripts, or developing locally. Make sure to export AWS_PROFILE when deploying/scripting resources.

If you would like to have a fuller understanding of what\'s going on under the hood, I recommended these resources.

Resources: - Kyle Knapp\'s 2017 AWS Reinvent talk - AWS Knowledge Center: How do I use an MFA token to authenticate access to my AWS resources through the AWS CLI? - Sourcing credentials with an external process

Last update: 2024-11-18