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Disaster Recovery

Caktus provides managed hosting services for many projects, which include periodic backups and application recovery. For example, restoring a deployed environment after (1) a hardware or cloud environment failure or (2) a user or application bug accidentally deletes data. Here we document our strategy and approach for disaster recovery.

Our goals

  • Redundancy: We back up or replicate data (database, uploaded files, etc.) to a separate location or region from the deployed environment. For example, if the site is deployed to us-east-1, backup data to us-east-2.
  • Recoverability: We perform periodic backup verifications to ensure the integrity of our backups by restoring them to a freshly deployed environment.
  • Not Staging: Backups are restored to a dedicated environment to not impact active development on staging and production.


To get started, make sure you have:

Backup verification workflow

A project's documentation contains the canonical backup instructions. Please refer to your project docs for detailed setup instructions.

However, most projects should roughly follow this pattern:

  1. Obtain latest production backup archive:
    inv utils.get-db-backup
  2. Restore database archive into disaster recovery environment:
    inv dr deploy.db-restore --filename=<FILENAME>
  3. Deploy a recent application image to the disaster recovery environment:
    # Find current deployed tag, where <NAMESPACE> is the production namespace.
    kubectl -n <NAMESPACE> get deployments -o wide
    # Deploy (<TAG> is at the end of the app image string after the colon.)
    inv dr deploy --tag=<TAG>
  4. Visit deployed site in your browser, log in, update Site object, and perform basic smoke tests:
    • Create new pages
    • Upload images
  5. Once complete, turn off disaster recovery environment:
    kubectl -n <NAMESPACE> scale deployments --replicas=0 --all

Initial setup

DR provisioning

AWS - Replicated object bucket

  1. Create a new bucket in the AWS S3 console with:
    • Bucket name: PROJECTNAME-dr-assets
    • AWS Region: A region other than the source bucket for Cross-Region Replication
    • Object Ownership: Same as the source bucket (most likely ACLs enabled)
    • Block Public Access settings for this bucket: Same as the source bucket
    • Bucket Versioning: Same as the source bucket
    • Default encryption: Same as the source bucket
  2. In the AWS S3 console, navigate to the source bucket, click the Management tab, and then select Create replication rule:
    • Replication rule name: DR Replication
    • Destination: Select the bucket you created above
    • IAM Role: Select Create new role
  3. After clicking Save, choose to replicate existing objects on the modal window:
    • Completion report: s3://PROJECTNAME-dr-assets/replication-reports
    • Permissions: Choose from existing IAM roles and Create a new role

Add DNS Record

Create a CNAME record, for example and point it to the cluster Load Balancer DNS name or alias.

Update IAM assets management policy

  1. Go to IAM > Roles > and search for the ContainerInstanceRole
  2. Edit the AssetsManagementPolicy to include the newly-created DR bucket
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME",
                "Effect": "Allow"
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME/*",
                "Effect": "Allow"

Create dr Ansible configuration

  1. Create group_vars/staging_shared.yaml with common configuration between staging and dr
  2. Create host_vars/dr.yaml with domain name, basic auth password, etc.

Database backups

AWS - Hosting Services bucket

This private bucket will store database archives.

  1. Create a new bucket in the AWS S3 console with:
    • Bucket name: PROJECTNAME-hosting-services
    • AWS Region: A region other than the source bucket for Cross-Region Replication
    • Object Ownership: ACLs disabled
    • Block Public Access settings for this bucket: Block all public access
    • Bucket Versioning: Enable
    • Default encryption: Enable

Backup user

  1. Create a new user in the AWS IAM console with:
    • User name: PROJECTNAME-backups
    • AWS credential type: Access key - Programmatic access
    • Permissions: Skip for now
    • Tags: Skip for now
    • Download and save the access credentials CSV file.
  2. Click on the newly created user in the AWS IAM console and click Add inline policy:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "ListObjectsInBucket",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Sid": "ObjectActions",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "s3:PutObject",
                "Resource": [

Last update: 2024-11-18