Configure Services
The configuration of services for your deployment will occur almost entirely in the deploy/group_vars/all.yaml
(all.yaml) Global configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Global: CloudFormation stack outputs. See all.yml for stack parameters.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ClusterEndpoint: <ClusterEndpoint from CloudFormation output>
DatabaseAddress: <DatabaseAddress from CloudFormation output> # The connection endpoint for the database. -
RepositoryURL: <DIGITS>.dkr.ecr.<ACCOUNT_REGION> # The docker repository URL
The output for RepositoryURL
is in two parts the first part is up to the first /
. Copy that into RepositoryURL
The second part goes in k8s_container_image
under App Pod Configuration
App Pod Configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# App Pod Configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
k8s_container_image: "{{ RepositoryURL }}/<SECOND_PART_OF_REPOSITORY_URL>"
# Sentry
# Papertrail
k8s_papertrail_logspout_destination: <ENCRYPTED_PAPERTRAIL_ENDPOINT>
k8s_papertrail_logspout_memory_limit: 128Mi
...End Defaults
(k8s.yaml) Shared Environment Variables
Shared variables is a section in the k8s.yaml
file where you can configure some items that
would most likely be shared between all of your environments.
Variables in this section are also prefixed with env_
, this usually indicates that they will be
used by Django or something else in the app.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shared Environment Variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
env_database_url: "postgres://{{ django_app_name }}_{{ env_name }}:{{ database_password }}@{{ DatabaseAddress }}:5432/{{ django_app_name }}_{{ env_name }}"
env_django_settings: "{{ django_app_name }}.settings.deploy"
env_cache_host: memcached:11211
env_default_file_storage: "DjangoFileSystem"
env_media_storage_bucket_name: ""
env_aws_default_acl: public-read
env_media_location: "{{ env_name }}/media/"
# Email
env_default_from_email# New Relic APM: Caktus Free Account
env_new_relic_app_name: "{{ k8s_namespace }}"
# Sentry
env_sentry_dsn: <UNENCRYPTED_SENTRY_DSN>
To set up a system for your project in sentry you will need access to Caktus' papertrail account.
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