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Kubernetes Upgrades

Caktus routinely performs Kubernetes and related service upgrades as part of our hosting services.

Hotfix branch

Upgrades are rolled out to production environments, so create a hotfix branch:

git checkout main
git pull
git checkout -B k8s-upgrades

Ingress controller and cert-manager

Pin to latest versions

Update k8s_ingress_nginx_chart_version and k8s_cert_manager_chart_version to the target versions, typically in deploy/group_vars/k8s.yaml:

k8s_ingress_nginx_chart_version: "4.0.19"
k8s_cert_manager_chart_version: "v1.7.2"

Deploy the upgrades

# using kubesae
inv deploy.install deploy.playbook deploy-cluster.yml


If any Ansible tasks fail to run, check for a failed status of the Helm charts in the respective namespaces:

helm -n ingress-nginx list
helm -n cert-manager list

Rollback and re-deploy as needed. For example, cert-manager:

helm -n cert-manager rollback cert-manager
inv deploy.install deploy.playbook deploy-cluster.yml

Re-deploy app

Find environment namespaces:

kubectl get ns


Find deployed tag:

kubectl -n trafficstops-staging get deploy/app -o yaml | grep image:


inv [staging/production] deploy --tag=<insert tag here>

Site is up

Verify that the site is up by visiting it on your browser.


Repeate these steps for the other namespace(staging/production).

Hosting Services

This section manages database backups, monitoring, and log aggregation.

Update Galaxy requirements

Update caktus.k8s-hosting-services to the latest version in deploy/requirements.yml:

- src:
  name: caktus.k8s-hosting-services
  version: v0.7.0


Make sure the PostgreSQL client version matches the project's database cluster version. Projects should set k8s_hosting_services_image_tag accordingly to use an image tag with the corresponding PostgreSQL version.

Update chart versions

Update the hosting services chart versions to the target versions, typically in deploy/group_vars/k8s.yaml:

k8s_newrelic_chart_version: "4.6.2"
k8s_papertrail_logspout_image_tag: v3.2.14


Run the deploy-hosting-services.yml to deploy the latest hosting services:

inv deploy.install deploy.playbook deploy-hosting-services.yml

Commandline updates for AWS EKS

This command updates an EKS cluster

aws eks update-cluster-version --region <AWS Region> --name <cluster name> --kubernetes-version <K8s version to update to>

This command uses the update-id from the update-cluster-version command to list the status of the upgrade

aws eks describe-update --region <AWS Region> --name <cluster name> --update-id <update-ID from update command>  | grep "status"

Last update: 2024-11-18