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From Caktus with Love

Growth suggestions from cakti to cakti

** Command Line **
I highly suggest this command line class by instructor Colt Steele on Udemy. The class covers basic commands such as navigating your system, creating folders, removing files and more important and interesting conceps such as piping, grep, permission and how to alter them, modifying our own command lines, and more. While the class is lenghty, the instructor keeps it fun. There's a lot of power to the command line, and this course helped me tap a bit more into it.

Ronard 🌵

** Save Yourself **
If you use a nix style command line with any frequency and especially if you tend to be heavy handed with rm -rf do yourself a favor and install trash-cli on Debian derivatives, and add an alias to your shell's rc file: alias rm="trash". If you ever make a mistake like I just did you can recover the files.

Jeremy 🌵

** Disable Homebrew auto updates **
Have you ever inocently tried install a package using Homebrew and before you know it, Homebrew updates all of your dependecies? The result, all of your virtual environments are broken & much more. Well, there is a way to avoid that - rather than brew install <formula>, run HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install <formula>

Click here for more info. Credit to Dmitriy for the discovery.

Ronard 🌵

** Google Meet and Macs **
For anybody on a Mac who has had problems sharing their screen on a google meet, the following fixed it for me. I had to disallow Chrome's access to record my screen, then allow it again.

  • Go to settings --> Security & Privacy --> Privacy tab --> Camera on left side
  • There you can disallow, then allow again.

Michael 🌵

** The extension for YAML files is .yaml **
In the great YAML debate of 2022 Cakti agreed that .yaml was the correct extension for YAML files.

Henceforth new projects at Caktus will use .yaml and old projects will be converted to .yaml as time allows.

Scott 🌵

** If changing from a Mac to another Mac **
The Migration Assistant tool on Mac is extremely easy. Most files will be transfered, but there may be some stragglers that don't make the move. Use the M1 and M2 setup in documentation to make sure all the files you need are present. You will likely need to create and manually move your SSH Key, but we recomend you generate a new one as it is best practice to rotate these keys over time. You will have to update your Key with your projects as well.

Follow the instructions here to use the [Migration Assitant Tool] (

Follow the instructions here for generating a new [SSH Key] (

Last update: 2024-11-18